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Full degree students

torsdag den 22. august 2013

The free movement of the EU makes it possible for students in the EU to take a full degree education in other EU countries. If you fulfill the admission requirements, you are to be accepted at the applied study and university in another EU country on equal terms with the students in that country.

Picture: www.doek.dk -

Countries with free education can be very attractive for students from countries, where they pay tuition fee. In some EU countries like Denmark, Sweden and Germany, students also become study grant from the state, so they can concentrate on their study without having to work so much in their spare time to make a living. Normally, study grants from the state are only intented for the students, who are citizen of that state. But in februrary 2013 Denmark was convicted by the European Court of Justice to pay study grant to students from other EU countries, if they had been working in Denmark before and therefore had been recognized as workers in Denmark. This is because workers from all EU Countries according to the right of free movement in Europe have to be treated on equal footing with the workers in the EU country, where they work. It means that they are entitled to the same social services as the citizen in that country – also study grant, if they decide to stop working and start studying.
 The Danish Government are afraid that this judgment can be very expensive for Denmark, and therefore they are considering, if they can find a way to avoid paying study grants to students, who are not Danish citizens in the future.

picture:www.mikandersen.dk -

As a full degree student in another country, you are not just facing a new study with new study mates. You are also facing a new country with a different language and different habits from what you are used to. In those circumstances it can be nice with support and advice from students in the same situation.
At Aarhus University in Denmark there are for the time being around 3400 students from abroad taking a full degree in Denmark. Most of them are from Latvia, Germany and the other Nordic countries. At the blog hey you AU http://fulldegreeheyyouau.wordpress.com/ they are blogging about, how it is to be a foreign student in Aarhus.


Whay motivated you to go abroad?


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