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Efficient and effectful

torsdag den 15. august 2013

By comprehending all programs dealing with education, training, youth and sports in one, Eramus+ is supposed to increase efficiency by making it easier to apply for grants and reducing duplication and fragmentation. Furthermore, the Erasmus+ is expected to be much more effectful, because the program will increase possibilities to cooperate across education sectors and across borders of formel and informel learning. To do this, the Erasmus+ program will focus its action and activities on three main areas running through all education sectors and youth areas: Mobility, cooperation and policy reform.

An important - and completely new - tool in this strategy is the creation of 200 “Knowledge Alliances” and 200 “Sector Skills Alliances. Knowledge Alliances are large-scale partnerships between higher education institutions and businesses to promote creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship by offering new learning opportunities and qualifications. Sector Skills Alliances are partnerships between education and training providers and businesses to promote employability by forming new sector-specific curricula and innovative forms of vocational teaching and training.

Read more about the Erasmus + on the European Commissions site: http://ec.europa.eu/education/erasmus-for-all/

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